


Navigate [Analytics] - [ Statistics ] to enter.

It covers the statistics of sending and tracking under different filter conditions and different dimensions.

Delivery Statistics

Include  data of  Target(requests),Sent, Delivered,Invalid Email,Soft Bounce,Report Spam and etc.

Tracking Statistics

Opens, clicks, total opens, total clicks and unsubscribe data of delivered email.

  • Total Opens: refers to the number of times a message is opened.
  • Opens: refers to how many recipients have opened a message, and one recipient opens the same message repeatedly, and it is counted as opening independently once.
  • Total Clicks: refers to the number of links in the email that have been clicked.
  • Clicks: refers to how many recipients have clicked each link in the mail, and one recipient clicks the same link of the same email multiple times to calculate one independent click.
Example Customer sent a mail to X and Y respectively and both were delivered X has opened the twice, and clicks the M link twice, and clicks the N link once Y has opened the 3 times, and click the M link once and click N link twice Total Opens: 2 + 3 = 5 Opens: 1 + 1 = 2 Total Clicks: 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 6 Clicks: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4
Customer sent a mail to X and Y respectively and both were delivered
X has opened the  twice, and clicks the M link twice, and clicks the N link once
Y has opened the 3 times, and click the M link once and click N link twice
Total Opens: 2 + 3 = 5 
Opens: 1 + 1 = 2 
Total Clicks: 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 6 
Clicks: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4



Receiving domain: the recipient's mailbox suffix domain name, which is called the receiving domain.

For example: direction  When delivering an email, we call the receiving domain.

Each receiving domain has a certain limit on the number of received mail. By viewing the data of receiving domain, users can get the sending trend and threshold limit of different receiving domains.


The service time of triggered mail sent by the user is divided into time intervals.

Here, you can view the service time by domain name, time dimension and receiving domain respectively to fully grasp the timeliness data triggered by the email.

When the same domain name is used by triggering the mail and batch mail, the delivery time will be longer.


Users can use tags and API_USER and request period filter, reading data includes the following three dimensions.

  • Statistics by regions: The geographical location distribution of email reading is provided, and the data of each country can be viewed one by one according to the world map.

  • Link statistics: provides daily distribution of links and clicks in the email and the link data with the top 10 clicking most.

  • Device statistics: provides statistics of opening devices, operating systems, wireless brands and browser distribution of the e-mail.


The data of credit trend of user account are provided so that users can observe the overall quality of the account.

The score is calculated in real time by EngageLab based on the user's email data

  • ++ high quality "delivery rate", "open rate" and "click through rate" will lead to bonus points
  • -- a large number of "invalid addresses", "spam reports" and "unsubscribe" will result in score reduction

Note: the proliferation of "invalid addresses" and "spam reports" in a short period of time will directly lead to negative reputation, and users cannot continue to request
