
Client error code

อัพเดทล่าสุด :2022-11-11

Client Error Code Definitions

Code Description Detailed Explanation
1005 AppKey does not exist Please check on the official website whether the Appkey's corresponding application has been deleted
1008 Illegal AppKey Please check the Appkey in the application details on the official website to confirm its accuracy
1009 No iOS application created under the current Appkey; the SDK version you are using is below 2.1.0 Please check the application details on the official website; update the EngageLab SDK integrated into the application to the latest version.
6001 Invalid setting, tag/alias/property parameters should not all be null Set non-null parameters
6002 Setting timeout Retry is recommended, usually occurs when the network is poor or initialization is not yet complete
6003 Illegal alias string Valid aliases and tags consist of: letters (case-sensitive), numbers, underscores, Chinese characters, special characters (supported from 2.1.9) @!#$&*+=.
6004 Alias too long, up to 40 bytes Chinese UTF-8 is 3 bytes
6005 Illegal tag string Valid aliases and tags consist of: letters (case-sensitive), numbers, underscores, Chinese characters, special characters (supported from 2.1.9) @!#$&*+=.
6006 Tag too long, up to 40 bytes per tag Chinese UTF-8 is 3 bytes
6007 Number of tags exceeds the limit This is a device limit
6008 Tag exceeds total length limit Total length up to 7 K bytes
6009 Unknown error An unexpected exception occurred in the SDK, detailed error information will be available in the client logs for troubleshooting.
6011 Operation too frequent in a short period Setting tag/alias/property more than 10 times within 10s, or setting the phone number more than 3 times within 10s, or setting property more than 10 times within 10s
6012 Tag, alias, or phone number set while the Engagelab service is in stop state Developers can handle or prompt according to this error code information
6013 Abnormal user device timeline Abnormal local device timeline changes affected the phone number setting
6014 Network busy Network busy, request failed, please try again
6015 Blacklist User has been blacklisted, please contact support to remove
6016 Invalid user Request failed for invalid user
6017 Invalid request This request has abnormal parameters, request is invalid
6018 Too many tags The user has set more tags than the limit, cannot set more
6019 Failed to get tags An exception occurred while getting all tags
6020 Request failed A special issue caused the request to fail
6021 Previous tags request is still waiting for a response, cannot execute the next request temporarily Call the tag-related API multiple times, please perform the next operation after receiving the callback from the previous call; if no callback is received, wait 20 seconds before performing the next operation
6022 Previous alias request is still waiting for a response, cannot execute the next request temporarily Call the alias-related API multiple times, please perform the next operation after receiving the callback from the previous call; if no callback is received, wait 20 seconds before performing the next operation
6023 Illegal phone number Can only start with "+" or digits, and the following content can only contain "-" and digits
6024 Internal server error Internal server error, retry after some time
6025 Phone number too long Phone number is too long, the current maximum length for phone number detection by EngageLab is 20
6039 liveActivity PushToken length exceeds the limit Check if the PushToken is correctly passed
6040 liveActivity identifier length exceeds the limit or not filled, liveActivity identifier up to 24 bytes Check if the liveActivity identifier is correctly passed
6041 liveActivity PushToken set too frequently Please wait 60 seconds before retrying
6042 liveActivity PushToken set exceeds the limit Check if the interface call is normal