Statistics API
info This is the latest version of the Stats API. Some improvements in v4:
- Use HTTP Basic Authentication for access authorization. n this way, the entire API request can be completed using common HTTP tools,like:curl,browser plugins。
- Push content completely uses JSON format.
Stats API v4 provides various statistical data query functions.
See REST API Overview for details Authentication method
Message statistics
- Query the statistics of each state in the message lifecycle.
- The statistical data of each push message can be kept for at most one month.
GET v4/status/detail
request example
curl -v,1229760629 -u "7d431e42dfa6a6d693ac2d04:5e987ac6d2e04d95a9d8f0d1"
< GET /v4/messages/details?message_ids=1613113584,1229760629 HTTP/1.1
< Authorization: Basic N2Q0MzFlNDJkZmE2YTZkNjkzYWMyZDA0OjVlOTg3YWM2ZDJlMDRkOTVhOWQ4ZjBkMQ==
Request Parameters
key words | type | Option | Description |
message_ids | String | required |
Response Example
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json
"1229760629": {
"targets": 11,
"sent": 11,
"delivered": 10,
"impressions": 8,
"clicks": 2,
"sub": {
"notification": {
"message": {
"1613113584": {
"targets": 11,
"sent": 11,
"delivered": 10,
"impressions": 8,
"clicks": 2,
"sub": {
"notification": {
"target": 1600,
"sent": 1440,
"delivered": 1280,
"impressions": 1120,
"click": 0,
"sub_android": {
"engageLab_android": {
"targets": 100,
"sent": 90,
"delivered": 80,
"impressions": 70,
"clicks": 0
"huawei": {
"targets": 100,
"sent": 90,
"delivered": 80,
"impressions": 70,
"clicks": 0
"xiaomi": {
"targets": 100,
"sent": 90,
"delivered": 80,
"impressions": 70,
"clicks": 0
"oppo": {
"targets": 100,
"sent": 90,
"delivered": 80,
"impressions": 70,
"clicks": 0
"vivo": {
"targets": 100,
"sent": 90,
"delivered": 80,
"impressions": 70,
"clicks": 0
"meizu": {
"targets": 100,
"sent": 90,
"delivered": 80,
"impressions": 70,
"clicks": 0
"fcm": {
"targets": 100,
"sent": 90,
"delivered": 80,
"impressions": 70,
"clicks": 0
"honor": {
"targets": 100,
"sent": 90,
"delivered": 80,
"impressions": 70,
"clicks": 0
"sub_ios": {
"engageLab_ios": {
"targets": 100,
"sent": 90,
"delivered": 80,
"impressions": 70,
"clicks": 0
"apns": {
"targets": 100,
"sent": 90,
"delivered": 80,
"impressions": 70,
"clicks": 0
"message": {
"targets": 100,
"sent": 90,
"delivered": 80,
"impressions": 70,
"clicks": 0,
"sub_android": {
"sub_ios": {
"live_activity": {
"targets": 1,
"sent": 1,
"delivered": 1,
"impressions": 0,
"clicks": 0,
"sub_ios": {
"engageLab_ios": {
"targets": 0,
"sent": 0,
"delivered": 0,
"impressions": 0,
"clicks": 0
"apns": {
"targets": 1,
"sent": 1,
"delivered": 1,
"impressions": 0,
"clicks": 0
Response Parameters
The successful response is a JSON object,and the key is message_id,Each message needs to include lifecycle statistics of each phase:
| key words | type | option | Description |
Keyword | Type | Options | Meaning |
targets | Int64 | Required | Valid targets. The number of target devices after the push task's selected target audience has been filtered for validity. |
sent | Int64 | Required | Number of sends. The number of devices for which the Engagelab server successfully created a send task among the valid target devices. |
delivered | Int64 | Required | Number of deliveries. The number of devices to which the notification message was actually delivered. Deliveries after 5 days are not counted. For Huawei, Meizu, and iOS, callback configuration is needed for more accuracy. |
impressions | Int64 | Required | Number of impressions. The number of devices on which the notification message was successfully displayed. Impressions after 5 days are not counted. |
clicks | Int64 | Required | Number of clicks. The number of times the notification message was clicked by users after being successfully displayed. Clicks after 5 days are not counted. |
sub | Object | Required | Detailed metrics of the statistical data, see table below. |
key words | Type | option | description |
sub_android | Object | optional | Data summary and statistics of Android push channels |
engageLab_android | Object | optional | Data summary and statistics of Android Engagelab channel |
huawei | Object | optional | Data summary and statistics of Huawei channels |
honor | Object | optional | Data summary and statistics of Honor channels |
xiaomi | Object | optional | Data summary and statistics of Xiaomi Channel |
oppo | Object | optional | Data summary and statistics of OPPO channel |
vivo | Object | optional | Summary and statistics of vivo channel data |
meizu | Object | optional | Data summary and statistics of Meizu channel |
fcm | Object | optional | Data summary statistics of FCM channel |
sub_ios | Object | optional | Data summary and statistics of Apple's push channels |
engageLab_ios | Object | optional | Data summary and statistics of iOS Engagelab channel |
apns | Object | optional | Data summary statistics of iOS APNs channels |
User statistics
- Provide user related statistical data of a certain period in the past two months:It includes new users, online users and active users.
- Time Unit:HOUR 、DAY、MONTH.
Request Api Url
GET v4/status/users
Request Example
curl -v -u "7d431e42dfa6a6d693ac2d04:5e987ac6d2e04d95a9d8f0d1"
< GET /v4/users?time_unit=DAY&start=2014-06-10&duration=3 HTTP/1.1
< Authorization: Basic N2Q0MzFlNDJkZmE2YTZkNjkzYWMyZDA0OjVlOTg3YWM2ZDJlMDRkOTVhOWQ4ZjBkMQ==
Request Parameters
key words | Type | Option | description |
time_unit | String | required | time unit: |
start | String | required | Start time |
duration | String | required | Duration |
Response Example
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json
"time_unit": "DAY",
"start": "2014-06-10",
"duration": 3,
"items": [{
"time": "2014-06-12",
"android": {
"new": 1,
"active": 1,
"online": 2
"ios": {
"new": 1,
"active": 1,
"online": 2
Response Parameters
Success response a JSON Object:
key words | Type | options | Description |
time_unit | String | required | time unit |
start | String | required | 起始时间。 |
duration | String | required | Duration |
items | JSON Array | required | Statistical results within the query range by duration |
- items field description:
- android:Data summary statistics of Android platform.
- ios:Data summary and statistics of Apple platform.
key words | type | option | description |
new | Int64 | optional | New Users |
active | Int64 | optional | Active Users |
Query message lifecycle status
- Querying the message lifecycle status of the corresponding device under message_id.
- The statistical data of each push message can be kept for at most one month.
Request Api Url
GET v4/status/message
Request example
curl -v®istration_ids=1507bfd3a7c568d4761,1618cfd3a7c568d4761,17259fd3a7c568d4371 -u "7d431e42dfa6a6d693ac2d04:5e987ac6d2e04d95a9d8f0d1"
< GET /v4/status?message_id=1613113584®istration_ids=1507bfd3a7c568d4761,1618cfd3a7c568d4761,17259fd3a7c568d4371 HTTP/1.1
< Authorization: Basic N2Q0MzFlNDJkZmE2YTZkNjkzYWMyZDA0OjVlOTg3YWM2ZDJlMDRkOTVhOWQ4ZjBkMQ==
Request Paramaters
key words | type | option | description |
message_id | String | required | message ID |
registration_ids | String | required |
Response Example
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json
"1507bfd3a7c568d4761": {
"status": "plan"
"1618cfd3a7c568d4761": {
"error_message": "The `registration_id` does not belong to the appkey"
"17259fd3a7c568d4371": {
"error_message": "internal error"
"error_message": "regid illegal"
Response Parameters
成功响应为一个 JSON Object,包含这条消息下各个 registration_id 的消息当前状态,如果有异常信息,则将信息包含在 error_message 中。
关键字 | 类型 | 选项 | 含义 |
status | String | 可选 | 取值范围: |
error_message | String | 可选 | 错误信息 |
Response code
HTTP status code
Reference Documents:HTTP-Status-Code
Return codes
Code | description | detail description | HTTP Status Code |
0 | success | request success | 200 |
21001 | The method is not supported or url err | Request method (GET/POST) error or url error (interface does not exist) | 404 |
21003 | Parameter value is invalid | Illegal parameter value | 400 |
23001 | Basic authentication failed | HTTP Basic authorization failed | 401 |
23002 | Missing parameter! | Missing the necessary parameter! | 400 |
23004 | time_unit value does not match with start! | The time_unit and start parameter values do not match | 400 |
23007 | Only support quering the message_id within 30 days! | Only messages within 30 days can be queried | 400 |
23100 | server error | System internal error | 500 |
27000 | Server response time out, please try again later | System internal error | 500 |
27201 | msgid not exist or not belong this app | Msgid does not exist or does not belong to this app | 400 |