Group Push API

Last updated:2023-03-03


This API is used to create a group push. A call can push messages to all applications in the group.

  • The override_msg_id attribute in option is not supported.
  • Group push only supports setting scheduled tasks when pushing in the console, but does not support calling Schedule API to set scheduled tasks.

Call Validation

Add a field (Key/Value pair) to the HTTP Header (Header):

Authorization: Basic ${base64_auth_string}
              Authorization: Basic ${base64_auth_string}

This code block in the floating window

That is, the base64_auth_string generation algorithm is base64(username:password)
The Header name is "Authorization" and the value is a base64-converted "username:password" pair (with a colon in the middle).
In the scenario of group push API, username is the prefix of "group-" plus GroupKey, and the password is group Master Secret. You can view the two in Group management-edit in the console.

Call Address

POST v4/grouppush

Sample Requests

curl --insecure -X POST -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u "c96f42e0d2e662e45d035ab1:df4d59e84eac2f9d53b36f12" -d '{ "from": "push", "to": "all", "body": { "platform": "all", "notification": { "android": { "alert": "Hi, Push!", "title": "Send to Android", "builder_id": 1, "extras": { "newsid": 321 } }, "ios": { "alert": "Hi, MTPush!", "sound": "default", "badge": "+1", "extras": { "newsid": 321 } } }, "message": { "msg_content": "Hi,MTPush", "content_type": "text", "title": "msg", "extras": { "key": "value" } }, "options": { "time_to_live": 60, "apns_production": false } }, "request_id": "12345678", "custom_args": "business info" }' > POST /v4/grouppush HTTP/1.1 > Authorization: Basic Yzk2ZjQyZTBkMmU2NjJlNDVkMDM1YWIxOmRmNGQ1OWU4NGVhYzJmOWQ1M2IzNmYxMg==
          curl --insecure -X POST -v 
-H "Content-Type: application/json" 
-u "c96f42e0d2e662e45d035ab1:df4d59e84eac2f9d53b36f12" 
-d '{
    "from": "push",
    "to": "all",
    "body": {
        "platform": "all",
        "notification": {
            "android": {
                "alert": "Hi, Push!",
                "title": "Send to Android",
                "builder_id": 1,
                "extras": {
                    "newsid": 321
            "ios": {
                "alert": "Hi, MTPush!",
                "sound": "default",
                "badge": "+1",
                "extras": {
                    "newsid": 321
        "message": {
            "msg_content": "Hi,MTPush",
            "content_type": "text",
            "title": "msg",
            "extras": {
                "key": "value"
        "options": {
            "time_to_live": 60,
            "apns_production": false
    "request_id": "12345678",
    "custom_args": "business info"
> POST /v4/grouppush HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic Yzk2ZjQyZTBkMmU2NjJlNDVkMDM1YWIxOmRmNGQ1OWU4NGVhYzJmOWQ1M2IzNmYxMg==

This code block in the floating window

Request parameters

For more information about request parameters, see Create Push API

Response example


{ "0c3de43c6a6b68c9f4261b06": {"request_id":"12345678","msg_id":"2460001"}, "35c424abde12f475566ca8af": {"request_id":"12345678","msg_id":"2460001"}, "8f02a4fa717a6235734d92de": {"request_id":"12345678","msg_id":"2460001"}, "group_msgid": "cbou2uum98lps87rtic0" }
    "0c3de43c6a6b68c9f4261b06": {"request_id":"12345678","msg_id":"2460001"},
    "35c424abde12f475566ca8af": {"request_id":"12345678","msg_id":"2460001"},
    "8f02a4fa717a6235734d92de": {"request_id":"12345678","msg_id":"2460001"},
    "group_msgid": "cbou2uum98lps87rtic0"

This code block in the floating window


{ "code":400, "data":"", "message":"error message" }
  "message":"error message"

This code block in the floating window


For more information, see 「Ceate Push API - Response」.

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