
Send Related

อัพเดทล่าสุด :2023-03-14


EngageLab provides users with a simple and convenient operation for test sending. Through send related - Test sending, you can see that there are two ways to send test e-mail, namely:

  • Test send mail template
  • Test sending custom content.


E-mail template is used to send e-mail with similar content. With variable replacement, it is suitable for marketing e-mail, captcha and other repeated e-mail content scenarios.

Mailing list data includes: template name, type, invoke name, email subject, update time.

  • The maximum length of message subject characters is 256 characters.
  • Batch API_ USER calls a batch type mail template, and so does trigger.
  • The template editor supports email template design and HTML source code uploading and editing. You need to click the source code button on the right to edit the source code.
  • The template content can't have JavaScript script, the style content is concise and self-adaptive table static layout


The address list function is applied to the application scenario of batch e-mail sending. It supports variable replacement.

The address list function is applied to the application scenario of bulk mail sending and supports variable replacement. Support. CSV and. TXT file format address batch upload.

  • Alias address is used to call the address list sending function. Alias address is globally unique
  • When the address is uploaded, the system will do de duplication and format verification. The file size of a single upload shall not exceed 100MB, and the total number of single address list cannot exceed 1 million
  • Only paying customers can use sending by address list


Customers can use the subscription relationship function to build their own mailbox subscription system conveniently and quickly.

  1. EngageLab will provide a section of JS code, and then users need to put the JS code into their website content, and an input box for users to fill in the email address will appear in the corresponding position of the website
  2. The email address filled in by the user will be collected into the specified address list


You can control the Email queues by “Send”-“Queues”. With 'Queue', you can pause the sending emails or drop the emails .

Queue pause: pause emails by  receiving domain.

  • When the recovery time (maximum 15 days) is set up, the Emails from the receiving domain will automatically resume after recovery expires.
  • If the recovery time is not set, the queue will be permanently suspended; After 15 days, emails in this queue will be deleted automatically.
  • If the conditions to create a pause are consistent and the time intervals coincide, the old pause will be replaced by the new one.

Queue deletion: drop emails by receiving domain. You can select the receiving domain or a specific time period,then the match queues will be deleted.
