
Last updated:2024-03-08




Adopts HTTP Basic Authentication method. Add Authorization in the HTTP Header:

Authorization: Basic ${base64_auth_string}
          Authorization: Basic ${base64_auth_string}

This code block in the floating window

The generation algorithm for the above base64_auth_string is: base64(dev_key:dev_secret)

Request Example

Request Header

POST /v1/verifications HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Basic amlndWFuZ2RldjpkZXZfc2VjcmV0
          POST /v1/verifications HTTP/1.1  
Content-Type: application/json  
Authorization: Basic amlndWFuZ2RldjpkZXZfc2VjcmV0

This code block in the floating window

Request Body

{ "message_id": "1725407449772531712", "verify_code": "667090" }
    "message_id": "1725407449772531712",
    "verify_code": "667090"

This code block in the floating window

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Option Description
message_id String Required The message ID associated with the verification code, returned by the /messages endpoint
verify_code String Required The verification code to be validated

Response Parameters

Success Response

Field Type Option Description
message_id String Required The message ID associated with the verification code, returned by the /v1/messages endpoint
verify_code String Required The verification code to be validated
verified Boolean Required Verification result, true for a successful validation, false for a failure
{ "message_id": "1725407449772531712", "verify_code": "667090", "verified": true }
    "message_id": "1725407449772531712",
    "verify_code": "667090",
    "verified": true

This code block in the floating window

Note, for the same message's verification code, if the validation request is successful, any subsequent validation requests will fail, indicating that the verification for this message has already been completed; verification codes that have been successfully verified cannot be validated again.

Failure Response

HTTP status code of 4xx or 5xx, response body includes the following fields:

Field Type Option Description
code int Required Error code, see Error Codes for details
message String Required Error details
{ "code": 3003, "message": "verify code has expired" }
    "code": 3003,
    "message": "verify code has expired"

This code block in the floating window

Error Codes

Error Code HTTP Code Description
1000 500 Internal error
2001 401 Authentication failed, incorrect or missing token
2002 401 Authentication failed, token expired or has been disabled
2004 403 No permission to call this API
3001 400 Invalid request parameter format, please ensure it matches the required JSON format
3002 400 Incorrect request parameters, please verify they meet the requirements
3003 400 Verification code expired or already verified, a new verification message needs to be sent for this error code
4001 400 The message does not exist
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