First OTP

Last updated:2024-06-17

1. Preparation

To use EngageLab OTP for generating, sending, and verifying OTPs, developers need to complete the following preparations before use:

1.1 Configure Templates

Follow the guidelines in Create OTP Template to configure the template name, template ID, brand name, OTP length, and expiration time for EngageLab OTP.

EngageLab OTP Template Creation

1.2 Create API Key

When using EngageLab OTP API to generate or verify OTPs, you need to create an API Basic authentication key, which can be created following the guidelines in Create OTP API Key.

EngageLab API Key View

2. Sending OTPs

You can choose one of two ways to send your first EngageLab OTP verification message:

2.1 Backend Website Sending

  • 2.1.1 Generate and Send OTP

Log in to the EngageLab Backend Website, enter the [API Testing]->[OTP Sending] menu page, and fill in the created API key, target phone number or email address, template ID, and template language on the page:

EngageLab OTP API Sending Website

After filling out the above information, click Send OTP Request to generate an OTP and send it to the specified target phone number or email address.

If the request is successful, you can see the response channel and message_id in the Response box below:

EngageLab OTP API Send Success Website

If the request fails, you can see the specific error code and error message in the Response box below:

EngageLab OTP API Send Failure Website

After a successful send, click Message Detail in History Records to view the generated one-time password and message_id.

EngageLab OTP Message Lifecycle

  • 2.1.2 Verify OTP

Log in to the EngageLab Backend Website, enter the [API Testing]->[OTP Verification] menu page, and fill in the created API key, message_id, and the generated one-time password. After completing the fields, click the Verify OTP Request button:

EngageLab OTP API Verify Failure Website

2.2 API Integration

For code integration with the EngageLab OTP API, refer to the following two documents:

3. View History Records

After a successful send, you can view template name, send time, target, message status, and estimated costs on the [History Records] page. For more details, refer to the document: EngageLab OTP History Records

EngageLab OTP Message History

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