Reach Channels

Last updated:2025-03-17

Touch Channels are the message channels used to reach users during their journey. Only channels configured on the "Touch Channel" management page can be selected for use in user journeys.

Supported Touch Channels

Currently, EngageLab MA supports five major channels: AppPush, WebPush, Email, SMS, and WhatsApp.

If you require additional channels or wish to integrate the above message channels from other service providers, please contact our sales team.

Channel List

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Information Description
ID Channel ID, generated by the EngageLab system
Type AppPush, WebPush, Email, SMS, WhatsApp, etc.
Name App Name/WhatsApp Sender ID/API User/SMS User
Service Provider Currently, only EngageLab's own channels are supported. To integrate other service providers, please contact our sales team.
Default Contact Configured when adding the channel
Availability Status Enabled/Disabled/Error.
  • * Enabled: Can be used in user journeys
  • * Disabled: Cannot be used in user journeys
  • * Error: May be caused by the channel being deleted on the message service platform, making it unavailable. Please monitor and address the issue.
  • Added Time The time the channel was added, displayed in the organization's timezone

    Adding Touch Channels

    Select the message sending channel you wish to configure. Once configured here, it can be selected for use in user journeys. Different channels require different configuration information.

    Email SMS WhatsApp AppPush WebPush
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    Channel Type Service Provider Configuration Information Description
    Email EngageLab API User Used for channel authentication. You need to configure API User information on the Email platform first, then select it here. Once saved, it cannot be modified.
    Sender Address The sender address displayed when users receive emails. This is the default configuration, but it can be temporarily modified after selecting this channel in a Journey (effective only for that Journey).
    Sender Name The sender name displayed when users receive emails. This is the default configuration, but it can be temporarily modified after selecting this channel in a Journey (effective only for that Journey).
    Contact The contact information to which messages are sent when using this channel. Currently, only Email is supported, with custom options available in the future.
    SMS EngageLab SMS User Used for channel authentication. You need to configure SMS User information on the SMS platform first, then select it here. Once saved, it cannot be modified.
    Sender ID This ID needs to be applied for on the SMS platform and is an identifier applied for with the carrier.
    Contact The contact information to which messages are sent when using this channel. Currently supports mobile_phone/landline_phone/whatsapp_phone, with more custom options available in the future.
    WhatsApp EngageLab WhatsApp Account You need to configure a business account on the WhatsApp platform first, then select it here. Once saved, it cannot be modified.
    Sender ID Please configure the sender ID under the WhatsApp business account first, then select it here. Once saved, it cannot be modified.
    API Key Used for channel authentication. You need to configure API Key information on the WhatsApp platform first, then select it here. Once saved, it cannot be modified.
    Contact The contact information to which messages are sent when using this channel. Currently supports mobile_phone/landline_phone/whatsapp_phone, with more custom options available in the future.
    AppPush EngageLab Adding Method Adding an App in the data source will automatically configure it in the touch channel, with no additional operations required.
    WebPush EngageLab Adding Method Adding a Web in the data source will automatically configure it in the touch channel, with no additional operations required.
    Contact Sales