
Last updated:2025-03-17

Events are the data-driven description of user behavior and serve as the foundational data for EngageLab MA, applied in user information management, user journeys, and data analysis.

Event Types

EngageLab events are categorized into three types: "Standard Events, Recommended Events, and Custom Events."

Type Description
Standard Events EngageLab predefines event names and attributes. Data is automatically collected and reported by the SDK or generated through backend calculations.
Recommended Events EngageLab predefines event names and attributes and provides recommended reporting timing/scenarios. Data is reported by developers via API calls.
Custom Events Events created and reported freely by developers based on business needs, with certain quantity limitations.

Custom Events

Creating Custom Events

Custom events support two creation methods:

  1. Call the API to report the event directly. If the event does not exist, it will be created automatically.
  2. Pre-create events on the page. You can create events one by one on the page or import them in bulk via Excel.

The information required to create events on the page is as follows:

Information Required Description
Event Name Required The name of the event to be reported. Supports lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores, must start with a letter, e.g., open_app. Cannot be changed once set.
Event Description Required Add a comment or explanation for your event for better understanding, up to 50 characters. Can be modified after setting.
Event Group Optional You can create new event groups to classify events by business scenarios for easier searching. Can be modified after setting.
Trigger Condition Optional Add a description of the reporting timing for your event to understand when the event will be triggered. Can be modified after setting.
Associated Attributes Optional Attributes associated with the event can describe more event information and will be available as filtering conditions in the user journey after association. Can be modified after setting.
  • You can choose to associate custom/recommended event attributes.
  • Standard event attributes, user attributes, and device attributes are automatically associated and require no action from you.
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    Event Status

    After an event is created, its initial status is "Visible." You can adjust its status based on business needs.

    Status Description
    Visible Displayed in the event filter and can receive event reports.
    Hidden Not displayed in the event filter but can receive event reports.
    Disabled Not displayed in the event filter and cannot receive event reports.

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    EngageLab predefines event names, descriptions, and associated attributes and provides recommended reporting timing/scenarios. Data is reported by developers via API calls.

    We recommend using recommended events for data reporting when scenarios align, as it facilitates subsequent analysis.

    The list of recommended events and associated attributes can be viewed on the page or downloaded as an Excel file.

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    Standard Events

    EngageLab predefines event names, descriptions, and associated attributes. Data is automatically collected and reported by the SDK or generated through backend calculations.

    The list of standard events and associated attributes can be viewed on the page or downloaded as an Excel file.

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