
Last updated:2025-03-17

EngageLab CDP (Customer Data Platform) system helps enterprises aggregate data from various ecosystem platforms, establish a unified user identity, create unified data profiles for people, objects, and events, and comprehensively solve the unique identity recognition issues of multi-device multi-account, single-account multi-device, and multi-account single-device scenarios, achieving a closed-loop user marketing process.

User Identity

Users may have different ID systems to identify and distinguish their identities across different business platforms and stages. These different ID systems are collectively referred to as user identities in EngageLab.

By aggregating these scattered user identity information, enterprises can achieve the accumulation of user data assets.

User Identity ID Priority Description
user_id 1 When the enterprise identifies a user login, the unique login user identity is set here. STRING type, only one value can be set.
anonymous_id 2 When the user is not logged in but provides other identifiable information, it can be set as an anonymous ID, such as an email address or an ID generated by a third party. STRING type, only one value can be set.
registration_id 3 When EngageLab SDK is integrated into an App or Web, a terminal device identifier is automatically generated when the user uses it. LIST type, multiple values can be set to support multi-device usage scenarios.

Enterprise developers can call API interfaces to set user identities: Android API, iOS API, Web API, Rest API.


EngageLab generates a system-unique identifier EUID based on user identity information and their priority relationships. The generation strategy is as follows:

  1. The requester initiates a request to set user identities, setting any one or more of the above three user identities.
  2. EngageLab traverses and matches the values of user identities in the user asset library according to their priority:
    • If all user identity values fail to match, a new EUID is generated and returned to the requester.
    • If the highest-priority user identity value matches successfully, the matched EUID is returned to the requester.
    • If the higher-priority user identity value fails to match but the lower-priority user identity value matches successfully:
      • Once a user identity matches successfully, lower-priority user identity matching will no longer be executed.
      • Query the data of the matched EUID:
        • If it has already set a higher-priority user identity, a new EUID is generated and returned to the requester. (Scenario: The same device switches accounts, requiring a new EUID to be returned.)
        • If it has not set any higher-priority user identity, the matched EUID is returned to the requester. (Scenario: Multiple visits in an anonymous state, representing the behavior of the same user, requiring the same EUID to be returned.)
  3. After generating a new EUID or returning an existing EUID, the following processing is performed to ensure that the value of any user identity belongs to only one EUID at any given time. For example, the same phone number cannot simultaneously be the user identity of both EUID-A and EUID-B:
    • Traverse the user asset library with all user identity values set by the requester, and delete the corresponding user identity field values of the original EUID if matched.
    • Write all user identity values set by the requester into the user identity fields of the obtained EUID. The processing logic (overwrite or append) depends on the data type of the user identity.

User Management

Users generated in the system can be managed on the page, including uploading users, viewing user identities, activities, attributes, device information, and contact details. alt text

User Types

We categorize generated users into two types to quickly distinguish between visitors and registered users:

  • Logged-in Users: EUIDs with a user_id user identity recognizable by the enterprise.
  • Anonymous Users: EUIDs without a user_id user identity recognizable by the enterprise.

Upload Users

Enterprises may have offline activities requiring manual entry of a batch of user data. EngageLab supports direct user uploads on the page.

It supports recording user attributes and contact details through three types of identifiers: EUID, UserID, and Anonymous ID. Users can be uploaded in bulk via Excel files.

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User Details

User Activities

In the user activities section, all actions performed by the user can be viewed, categorized into "Events," "Information Updates," and "User Interactions." Attribution analysis can be performed based on the timeline of user activities.

Activity Description
Event All events generated by the user, categorized into standard events, recommended events, and custom events.
Information Update A dynamic is generated when user identities, user attributes, device attributes, or contact details are updated.
User Interaction A dynamic is generated when the system sends a message to the user and the user provides feedback on the message.

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User Attributes

All user attributes set for this user can be viewed. alt text

Device Attributes

If the user uses multiple devices, multiple device IDs and corresponding device attribute information will be generated. alt text

Contact Details

Contact details set for the user will be used for message sending in the user journey.

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Contact Sales